Linkers are components (and OSGi srvices) in charge of performing the binding operation between two mediators using a defined protocol.

In that sense, bindings are a logical relation between a source mediator and a target mediator. And the protocol is the way mediators communicate in order to share or send information while running.

So, the linker service is the one who configure and add sender and collector elements to both source and target mediators.

In this section we will learn how to, first create the collector and sender in charge of communication between components, then how to create a linker component which will plug those elements to the desired mediator components.

This tutorial is based on the Event Admin service provided by the Apache Felix project. EA is a publish/subscriber service based on topics.

Create the project

The project is created using Maven, and in order to create an OSGi bundle using iPOJO it is needed to use Maven Bundle Plugin and Maven iPOJO plugin as follows:


The needed dependencies for this project are two: The cilia run-time and the event admin implementation provided by Apache Felix.


On the root of the project, create a file named metadata.xml. This file will contain the specifications of the linker and the constituents created for this project. At this moment, we leave this file empty.

In order to create the linker service, first it is needed to create the elements in charge of performing the communication operation for the given protocol as presented on the following section.

Creating the Event Admin Sender

First we need to create a class called EventAdminSender. We place this class on the package fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.sender.ea. This class must implement the fr.liglab.adele.cilia.framework.ISender interface and implement the send method.

package fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.sender.ea;
/* Packages for Cilia*/
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.framework.ISender;
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.Data;

public class EventAdminSender implements ISender {

  public boolean send(Data data) {
      /*Here the sending code*/

In order to use Event Admin to publish events, we need to use the Event Admin Service. We complete the code using Event Admin.

package fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.sender.ea;
/*Imported classes to use Event Admin*/
import org.osgi.service.event.Event;
import org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin;
/* Imported classes to implement the Sender Cilia*/
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.framework.ISender;
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.Data;

public class EventAdminSender implements ISender {
* Event Admin. Will be injected by iPOJO.
  private EventAdmin eventAdmin;
* Topic to use when sending each data. Also injected by the framework.
  private String topic;
  public boolean send(Data data) {
     /*It will post the contained data on the given topic */
     eventAdmin.postEvent(new Event(topic, data.getAllData()));
     return true;  

In the metadata.xml file we need to add the description of this sender.

  <sender classname="fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.sender.ea.EventAdminSender"  name="ea-sender" >
      <requires field="eventAdmin" /> <!--The required Event Admin Service-->
         <property name="topic" field="topic" /> <!--The injected topic-->

Creating the Event Admin Collector

Now, we need to create a collector which will complete the new protocol communication using Event Admin between two mediator components. So create a class named EventAdminCollector. Using eclipse or netbeans we create the new class on the package fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.collector.ea. To create a collector we need to extend the abstract class fr.liglab.adele.cilia.framework.AbstractCollector. And, to create this specific EventAdmin collector we also implement the org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler interface.

package fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.collector.ea;
/* Packages for Cilia*/
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.framework.AbstractCollector;
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.Data;
/*Empty collector*/
public class EventAdminCollector extends AbstractCollector {


In order to use Event Admin to publish events, we need to use the Event Admin Service. We complete the code using Event Admin.

package fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.collector.ea;
/*Imported classes to use Event Admin*/
import org.osgi.service.event.Event;
import org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler;
/* Imported classes to implement the Sender Cilia*/
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.Data;
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.framework.AbstractCollector;

public class EventAdminCollector extends AbstractCollector implements EventHandler {
  /*Method called when receiving an event*/  
  public void handleEvent(Event event) {
    Dictionary dico = new Hashtable(); //to store the incoming data.
    String[] keys = event.getPropertyNames();
    if (keys != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        dico.put(keys[i], event.getProperty(keys[i]));//add the incoming data.
    * Create new Data object from the received event.
    Data data = new Data(dico.get(Data.DATA_CONTENT),
    notifyDataArrival(data); //Notify to scheduler that a new Data has arrived.

Now, we need to register the Event Handler in order to be notified when someone wants to send data. We create a register and unregister methods.

/*Topic to listen events, this field is injected by iPOJO*/
private String topic;
private BundleContext context;
private ServiceRegistration serviceRegistration; //to register the event handler.
private void register() {
  Dictionary dico = new Hashtable();
  String[] topics = {topic}; //We'll listen only one topic.
  dico.put(EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC, topics);
  if (serviceRegistration != null) {
  serviceRegistration = context.registerService(
  EventHandler.class.getName(), this, dico); //register the event listener

 * Called when the component stops
public void unregister() {
    if (serviceRegistration != null) {
        serviceRegistration.unregister(); //unregister the event listener.

In the metadata.xml file we need to add the description of this collector.

 <collector classname="fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.collector.ea.EventAdminCollector"   name="ea-collector" >
      <property name="topic" field="topic" />
   <callback transition="validate" method="register" />
   <callback transition="invalidate" method="unregister" />

Create the Event Admin Linker Service

Now we have created the elements that allow to communicate mediator instances in a given protocol. In this example we use Event Admin as a communication protocol. Now we need to create a linker service which is in charge to connect two mediator components at run-time. This linker service will interact at a model level at run-time, so it will not interact with the executing instances. Instead it will add the correct information to connect them. We need to create another class, in this case it is called EALinkerService. It extends fr.liglab.adele.cilia.runtime.CiliaBindingServiceImpl and implements fr.liglab.adele.cilia.runtime.CiliaBindingService. We place this class on the package fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.binding.ea. And the only method we need to implement is called getProperties

package fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.binding.ea;

import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.model.Binding;
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.runtime.CiliaBindingService;
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.runtime.CiliaBindingServiceImpl;

public class EALinkerService extends CiliaBindingServiceImpl implements
CiliaBindingService {
  public Dictionary getProperties(Dictionary collectorProperties,
    Dictionary senderProperties, Binding bindingInfo) {
    Dictionary properties = new Hashtable();

    //with the information on bindingInfo we generate a topic property.
    String topic = generateTopic(bindingInfo); 

    /*Set the properties that will be injected on the sender/collector respectively*/
    collectorProperties.put("topic", topic);
    senderProperties.put("topic", topic);

    /*We add the corresponding properties to a global properties container*/
    properties.put(CILIA_COLLECTOR_PROPERTIES, collectorProperties);
    properties.put(CILIA_SENDER_PROPERTIES, senderProperties);
    return properties;

The topic generation could be as follows:

  private String generateTopic(Binding b) {
    StringBuffer topic = new StringBuffer();
    *The topic is as follows chainId/mediatorSourceId/mediatorTargetId
    return topic.toString();

The framework will create the sender and collector instance with the given information.

Now, we need to specify the new linker on the metadata.xml

<linker classname="fr.liglab.adele.cilia.components.binding.ea.EALinkerService" name="event-admin">
  <collector name="ea-collector" />
  <sender name="ea-sender"  />

Sample Application

And thats all. Now we can use the new linker on any mediation chain. For example, to use this linker on the Hello World, we modify the DSCilia file as follows:

  <chain id="HelloWorldChain">

    <!-- Adapters instances definition -->
      <adapter-instance type="gui-adapter" id="entryAdapter" />
      <adapter-instance type="console-adapter" id="exitAdapter" />

    <!-- Mediators instances definition -->
      <mediator-instance type="HelloMediator" id="hello">
          <in-port name="in" />
          <out-port name="out" />

    <!-- Bindings definition With Event Admin -->
      <binding from="entryAdapter" to="hello:in" linker="event-admin" />
      <binding from="hello:out" to="exitAdapter" linker="event-admin" />


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Version: 1.7.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2013-12-31.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.