The DSCilia language is the one which permits to specify mediation chains using XML. To see more in detail how this language allows to build mediation chains see the section Application Description Language.

Cilia proposes a way to extends this language. Those extensions allows to customize the configuration of mediators in a better and more human readable way. So, this extensions, in resume, will and only will allow to add properties to mediators or any of its constituents i.e. its scheduler, its processor and/or its dispatcher.

Description of the constituent to configure

We will create a parser for the periodic scheduler. This scheduler has two properties, period and delay. Here you can find info about this scheduler.

Using the basic language, you must configure a mediator as follow:

<mediator-instance id="mediatorId" type="MyMediator">
     <property name="period" value="5000"/>
     <property name="delay" value="30000"/>

Project Creation

To create a project, we follow the instructions presented on the creating project section.

The CiliaExtenderParser interface

In order to create a new extender parser, we need to create an OSGi services which provides the fr.liglab.adele.cilia.model.parser.CiliaExtenderParser interface.

public interface CiliaExtenderParser {
   * See if the parser could handle the component description
   * @return
  public boolean canHandle(Object mediatorDescription);
   * Creates or modifies a Component based on the component description.
   * @param componentDescription
   * @return
  public IComponent getComponent(Object componentDescription, IComponent currentComponent) throws   CiliaParserException; 


This interface is located on the cilia-core project.


There are two methods to implement.

  • canHandle (Object componentDescription): As we have only, at the moment, one parser based on DOM, the received object should be a Node object (org.w3c.dom.Node). This method will be called by the main dscilia parser to determine if a mediator instance need to be parsed by the new extender parser. If the return of calling this method is true, then the getComponent method will be called.

  • getComponent(Object componentDescription, IComponent currentComponent): This method is called if the canHandle method return true. The componentDescription object, as well as in canHandle method, will be a Node object (org.w3c.dom.Node). The objective of this method is to inspect the receiving Node object in order to obtain the desired information. The current component is the actual information previously obtained by the main dscilia parser or by any other parser.

The DomExtenderParser class

This class could be used to facilitate the work of parsing. It has two protected fields:

  • NAME: The name of the tag we are interested on.
  • NAMESPACE: The namespace for the tag.

Also, it has two protected methods:

  • Node getNode(String parent, Object mediatorNode): It will locate the Node with a parent called parent. Also, this node should has a localName equals to NAME and a URI Namespace equals to NAMESPACE.

For example, if the XML file is:

<mediator-instance ...>
    <periodic period="5000" delay="30000" xmlns="fr.imag.adele.cilia.periodic" />

Setting the NAMESPACE field as fr.imag.adele.cilia.periodic and the NAME as periodic. Then, calling the getNode(scheduler, mediatorNode) will return the periodic node:

  <periodic period="5000" delay="30000" xmlns="fr.imag.adele.cilia.periodic" />
  • String getAttributeValue(Node node, String attrName): this method allow us to easily obtain the value of any attribute in a given node.

Creating the extender parser

Now, we know the interface we need to implement and the class that can help us to build the service easily. So, now we will create the service. First, we create a class implementing the CiliaExtenderParser interface. To facilitate the work, this class will extends also the DomExtenderParser class.

public class PeriodicParser extends DomExtenderParser implements
      CiliaExtenderParser {
  * We set the NAME and NAMESPACE to use the DomExtenderParser methods.
  public PeriodicParser(){
  * We see if the mediator description has the periodic node with 
  * fr.liglab.adele.cilia.scheduler as namespace. 
  * Also, it should be a child of scheduler.
  public boolean canHandle(Object mediatorDescription) {
    Node disp = getNode("scheduler",mediatorDescription);
    if(disp == null) {
      return false;
    return true;

  public IComponent getComponent(Object componentDescription,
         IComponent currentComponent) throws CiliaParserException {
    /**We obtain the node. We are sure it exist as this method is called
    * only when the canHandle returns true.
    Node periodicN = getNode("scheduler",componentDescription);

    /** We obtain the configuration from the Node.*/
    String period  = getAttributeValue(periodicN, "period");
    String delay  = getAttributeValue(periodicN, "delay");

    /** We add the acquired information to the currentComponent as properties*/
    if (period != null) {
       Long lperiod = Long.parseLong(period);
       currentComponent.setProperty("period", lperiod);
    if (delay != null) {
      ldelay = Long.parseLong(delay);
      currentComponent.setProperty("delay", ldelay);
    return currentComponent;


Now, we only need to add the service on the service registry. Using iPOJO, this could be done as follows:

<!--We create the component description-->
      <provides />
<!--And we create the instance-->
   component="fr.liglab.adele.cilia.compendium.extender.parsers.PeriodicParser" />

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Version: 1.7.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2013-12-31.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.