
The CiliaContext is a service offered by the Cilia Framework, it is the chain container and the main mechanism to perform modifications at run-time. All the advanced features, such as the REST API uses the CiliaContext and the builder pattern in background.

To use the CiliaContext we must first import the class

import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.CiliaContext;

Next we need to obtain the service, we recommend using the dependency handler of iPOJO:

import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Requires;
import fr.liglab.adele.cilia.CiliaContext;

CiliaContext ccontext;

But also, it is possible to obtain it using the BundleContext.


The ApplicationRuntime provides an API to introspect an executing mediation chain, for example, to initialize it.

//To initialize a new mediation chain

Cilia Builder Pattern

Cilia, from the version 1.5.0 use the builder pattern to build and reconfigure mediation chains. The use is in three steps, first, we obtain the builder using the CiliaContext Service. Second, we call the required operations to the builder, and finally we call the done() method. This allow us to verify the given information before commit the changes.

How-to start using the Cilia Builder

The only way to obtain a builder is using the CiliaContext service.

//We must obtain the CiliaContext service available on the OSGi registry.
CiliaContext ccontext;
Builder builder = ccontext.getBuilder();
//Reconfigure a mediation chain

How-to obtain and create a mediation chain

The builder allows to create a new mediation chain, and also to configure an existent one.

Builder builder = ccontext.getBuilder();
//To get an existent chain
Architecture helloChain = builder.get("HelloWorld");
//To create a new chain
Architecture newChain = builder.create("HelloWorld-2");
//Reconfigure a mediation chain

//To initialize a new mediation chain

How-To Create components

There are two types of components, mediators and adapters.\ To create a mediator we perform the following code:

Builder nbuilder = ccontext.getBuilder();
Architecture arch = nbuilder.create("toto");

\ To create an adapter we perform the following code:

Builder nbuilder = ccontext.getBuilder();
Architecture arch = nbuilder.create("toto");

\ Components and adapters could be configured at the same time we create them. So, to configure them we add as follows:

Builder nbuilder = ccontext.getBuilder();
Architecture arch = nbuilder.create("toto");

//To add a simple property

//It is possible to add several properties

//And finally, it is possible to add a Map.
Map properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("key1", "v1");
properties.put("key3", "v3");

//After modifications, we perform the done.

How-To Modify components

Using the builder we can also modify existent components in mediation chains.

//We obtain the builder
Builder nbuilder = ccontext.getBuilder();
//We get an existant mediation chain to modify.
Architecture arch = nbuilder.get("myExistentChain");

//We modify the mediator with ID med1 and add a key tata with value tataValue

//also, it is possible to add an Hashtable of properties
Map properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("key1", "v1");
properties.put("key3", "v3");

//Adapters are reconfigured using the same approach

//Finally, in order to take effect the changes, we must perform the done operation on the builder.

How-To create/remove bindings

To create bindings, it is needed to know the following information:

  • The id of the sending component
  • The port name of the sending component
  • The id of the receiving component
  • The port name of receiving component

This information is also needed when removing bindings.

As an example, we create a binding from med-1 using the port xml, and the data will be received on the component med-3 in the port unique

Builder builder = ccontext.getBuilder();
//We create a new mediation chain. But also, we can add bindings with an existent chain using the builder.get method
Architecture arch = b.create("helloWorld");
//we make a binding.
arch.bind().from("med-1:xml").to("med-3:unique"); // bind from med-1 to med-3

//We perform the modifications

//Now we initialize the chain

We perform the remove binding in an existent mediation chain. So, to remove the previous binding, we perform the following code:

Builder builder = ccontext.getBuilder();
//We obtain the previous mediation chain 

Architecture arch = b.get("helloWorld");
//we remove the binding.
arch.unbind().from("med-1:xml").to("med-3:unique"); // bind from med-1 to med-3

//We perform the modifications

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Version: 1.7.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2013-12-31.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.