Digital Home Execution Platform and Simulation Tool

iCasa Platform
ICasa Platform is an execution platform on top of OSGi for digital home applications. It has been developed in the context of the Medical project by the ADELE Research Group.
Specifically, iCASA Platform provides:
- Technical Services: Scheduling Service, Preference Service.
- Application Development Model: Encouraging the separation of concerns
- Tools: iCasa Shell to inspect the context (device, zones, ...)
iCasa Simulator
ICasa Simulator is a digital home simulator developed in the context of the Medical project by the ADELE Research Group. The very purpose of iCasa is to provide developers of pervasive applications with a simulated environment enabling complete control of the environment and time.
Specifically, iCasa Simulator provides:
- A graphical user interface: The interface displays a map of the house and the localization of the different devices. It allows developers to create and configure devices, create and move physical users, and watch their actual configurations.
- Scripting facilities: iCasa supports the scripts writing to control the environment. Scripts provide a convenient way to test the applications under reproducible conditions.
- Notification facilities: iCasa is event-based and is able to notify subscribers of any modifications in the environment.