Cilia is a lightweight data mediation and integration service component model, built upon OSGi, the dynamic Java platform. Cilia provides a framework and toolset that simplify the development and the maintenance of large-scale, complex integration solutions that interacts with heterogeneous and complex integrated systems.

Specifically, Cilia provides:

  • A mediation component model: based on EIP patterns
  • An architectural style: based on chain of mediation components
  • A DSL language: To build mediation chain applications using a fluent API or a XML-based language
  • A REST API: To introspect mediation applications (prototpe)
  • Predefined components: A list of generic components ready-to-use

Cilia is licensed under the Apache License v.2.0

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Version: 1.7.5. Last Published: 2013-12-31.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.